The thought of wearing a talisman to remind us of our loved ones is especially appealing at a time when many of us have recently experienced separation from family and friends. As such, we were thrilled to be able to have a chat with Sheherazade Goldsmith, founder of Loquet London, a brand which approaches the age-old idea of a treasured locket in a very modern, personal way. Along with career advice and Sheherazade’s perspective on working from home, we learned that Loquet’s customisable pieces of luxury jewellery, as well as the focus of Sheherazade’s career, are beautifully intertwined with the personal and emotional.



What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Do one thing and do it really well, make it original and the very best it can be so that it stands out from the rest.


What inspired Loquet?

My son bought me a pendant with dried flowers when he was six years old. It was nothing special but it was special to me – I wore it all the time. I thought it would be so nice to be able to open and close it and personalise it myself. Many conversations later, the idea of having a locket that can be customised with collectable handmade charms and birthstones was born.


How have you found working from home this past year?

It was very difficult to balance my work and home life. Suddenly, women who normally work from an office were expected to juggle a full day’s work with cooking three meals a day and looking after the housework. When my 20-year-old complained that there was no milk in the fridge, I realised that I was doing way too much and they were perfectly capable of pitching in. Sharing the cooking became fun and, in the process, my girls became excellent cooks.

Workwise, it has been one of the most productive and creative times. We needed all hands on deck, so I worked across everything. It was amazing being so close to the product – it made me re-look at the business as a whole.



What are your top tips on being more productive at work?

I use a diary; everything is written out in my trusted Smythson and I create a mood board at the beginning of each month, filled with ideas, feelings and emotions.


If you hadn’t ended up on your career path, what else would you like to have done?

I was a journalist and I’ve always been a voracious reader; I would have loved to have become a novelist. Loquet gives me the chance to tell people’s stories, as each one takes you on a journey. The best books are filled with real human emotion, like the lockets.


What is your personal mantra?

We’ve just collaborated with Charlie Mackesy and he sent me an illustration which said: “One of your greatest freedoms is how you react to things.” It is just so true of life.


What would you say to your younger self?

Take a deep breath – it’s a big journey.


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